According to § 5 TMG

Negotiation Advisory Group GmbH
Hafenstr. 25-27
68159 Mannheim
Tel.: +49 211 500 8005 0

Managing Director
Katharina Weber

Trade register County Court Mannheim
HRB 740619
VAT ID: DE 317910175

Responsible for the content

René Schumann and Stefan Oswald
Hafenstr. 25-27
68159 Mannheim

Liability for content

As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on these pages in accordance with § 7 para.1 of the German Telemedia Act. According to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, as a service provider, we are not obliged to monitor transmitted or stored third-party information or research circumstances that indicate illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information in accordance with general laws remain unaffected. Liability in this regard is only possible from the point in time at which we become aware of a specific legal violation. As soon as we become aware of such legal violations, we will remove this content immediately.

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Our offer contains links to external third-party websites, over whose content we have no influence. Therefore, we cannot accept any liability for this third-party content. The respective provider or operator of the pages is always responsible for the content of the linked pages. The linked pages were checked for possible legal violations at the time they were linked. No illegal content was found at the time the link was created. A permanent control of the content of the linked pages is not reasonable without concrete evidence of an infringement. If we become aware of legal violations, we will remove such links immediately.


The content and works on these pages created by the website operator are subject to German copyright law. The duplication, processing, distribution and any kind of exploitation outside the limits of copyright law require the written consent of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this website are only permitted for private, non-commercial use. Insofar as the content on this site was not created by the operator, the copyrights of third parties are respected. In particular contents of third parties are marked as such. Should you nevertheless become aware of a copyright infringement, we would ask you to notify us accordingly. If we become aware of any legal violations, we will remove such content immediately.

Gender statement

Equality, integration and inclusion are important values for us.
The Negotiation Advisory Group (NAG) embodies and fosters diversity and equal opportunities.

Communication agency

Hindemithstr. 29
55127 Mainz-Lerchenberg

Represented by:
Andreas Valentin, Executive Partner

Phone: +49 (0) 6131 94518 10
Fax: +49 (0) 6131 9451822

Layout, graphic and webdesign

Agentur Emilian
Sonnenburger Straße 54
10437 Berlin

Represented by:
Alexandra Buckard

Tel.: 030/23 989 765

Technical implementation and hosting

Alpha Team Systems & Consulting GmbH

Source of our pictures

Subpage, Blog post, NAGs Negotiation Learning App NELA optimiert Verhandlungspotenziale im Unternehmen, Image, AI generated by Microsoft Copilot

Subpage, Blog post, Wie Führungskräfte in Tarif- und Gehaltsverhandlungen erfolgreich verhandeln, Image, 2359592299, Shutterstock © DesignRage

Subpage, Blog post, In drei Stufen zu erfolgreichen Auktionen, Image, 2288711373, Shutterstock © Sasirin Pamai

Subpage, Blog post, Negotiation Advisory Group stellt Weichen auf Expansion, Image, © Jochen Rolfes

Subpage, Blog post, Auch eine Frage der (Gehalts-)Verhandlung, Image, Shutterstock, @ Prostock-studio

Subpage, Blog post, Besser verhandeln mit Data Science und KI, Image, Shutterstock, @ Benjamin Haas

Subpage, Blog post, Offshore-Auktionen im Fokus, Image, Shutterstock, @ TebNad

Subpage, Blog post, NAG auf dem CPO-Summit 2024 des Handelsblatt, Image @ Handelsblatt

Subpage, Blog post, Klimaschutzverträge, Image @ OlivierLeMoal

Subpage, Blog post, Die “perfekte” Verhandlung, Image © djile

Subpage, Blog post, Die sieben schlimmsten Fehler in Verhandlungen und wie man sie vermeidet!, Image © lassedesignen

Subpage, Blog post, NAG beim Handelsblatt, Image © Handelsblatt

Subpage, Blog post, René Schumann in the Handelsblatt-Podcast Disrupt, Image © Klaus Methfessel

Subpage, Blog post, The perfect contract, Image, Adobe Stock © Vittaya_25

Subpage, Blog post, Mastering difficult negotiations in the best possible way, Image, Adobe Stock © Olena

Subpage, blog post, CapEx, image, 2163087771, Shutterstock © Ink Drop

Subpage, blog post, DB must go on the offensive with offer, image, Adobe Stock © sever07

Subpage, blog post, CapEx, image, 520693948, Shutterstock © Volodymyr Kyrylyuk

Subpage, blog post, price negotiation in the food industry, image, Adobe Stock © Pixels Hunter

Subpage, blog post, “Negotiating green” with system – interview with René Schumann, image, Adobe Stock © Albert

Subpage, blog post, Cost trap of major investments, image © sculpies

Subpage, blog post, René Schumann shares insider knowledge in exclusive interview, image, Adobe Stock © nmann77

Subpage, blog post, Interview with rbb: dispute between Mars Group and supermarkets, image © S_E

Subpage, blog post, Car companies squeeze out suppliers to the brink of insolvency, image, Adobe Stock © Feodora

Subpage, blog post, Negotiating successfully: price negotiations in food purchasing, image, Adobe Stock © Heorshe

Subpage, blog post, Companies complain about SAP price dictates, image, Adobe Stock © Frank Eckgold

Subpage, blog post, Interview with René Schumann in WirtschaftsWoche, image © antomar

Subpage, blog post, Supply bottlenecks continue to threaten industry, image, Adobe Stock © Stocksy

Subpage, blog post, TOP topic in FAZ: Supply chain stress, image, Adobe Stock © Blue Planet Studio

Subpage, blog post, Spot on for the digital stage, image, Adobe Stock © Rottenmann

Subpage, blog post, Successful virtual negotiation, image, Adobe Stock © Daniel Coulmann

Subpage, blog post, Cooperation between purchasing and suppliers secures supply chains, image, Adobe Stock © Jörg Lantelme

Subpage, blog post, Negotiation tactics in residential construction, image, Adobe Stock © Panumas

Subpage, blog post, Negotiation Advisory Group expands team of negotiators and experts, image, Adobe Stock © Fotogestoeber

Subpage, blog post, Cyber crime: negotiation saves ransom, image, Adobe Stock © mpix-foto

Subpage, blog post, Good beer, needs good negotiations, image, Adobe Stock © Grecaud Paul

Subpage, blog post, Negotiations for housing companies, image, Adobe Stock © Jürgen Falchle

Subpage, blog post, Start-ups in crisis, image, Adobe Stock © pathdoc

Subpage, blog post,Negotiation pro René Schumann gives tips for startups, image, Adobe Stock © GoodIdeas

Subpage, blog post, Negotiating prices with tech giants, image, Adobe Stock © fizkes

Subpage, blog post, Yurda Burghardt interviewed: Sustainability in the construction industry, image © Patricia Zimmermann

Subpage, blog post, WirtschaftsWoche reports on NAG negotiation workshop, image © Lea Feicks

Subpage, Blog post, Dare to cooperate more: Resilient solutions for times of crisis, Image ©  marcoventuriniautieri

Subpage, blog post, White House cites study from NAG scientific advisory board, image © Dr. Alexander Rasch

Subpage, blog post, Energy crisis: companies must reposition themselves, image, Adobe Stock © mousso

Subpage, blog post, video series: difficult negotiations, image © Lea Feicks

Subpage, blog post, NAG at Procurement Summit 2023 , image © Procurement Summit

Subpage, blog post, Yurda Burghardt in Harvard Business manager , image © Patricia Zimmermann

Subpage, blog post, NAG at Sales Summit 2023 , image © Procurement Summit

Subpage, blog post, What data-driven risk management can do – René Schumann interviewed, image, Adobe Stock © gonin

Subpage, blog post, Interview with Yurda Burghardt in manager magazin, image © Sandra Sperlinger

Subpage, Blog post, The five most important steps of a successful negotiation strategy, Image, Adobe Stock © Mopic

Subpage, Blog post, Exclusive interview with Der Rheinpfalz, Image, Adobe Stock © Bumble Dee

Subpage, blog post, mastering purchasing risks, image, Adobe Stock © Marco

Subpage, blog post, NAG at Procurement Summit 2021, image © Procurement Summit

Subpage, blog post, How chemical companies successfully negotiate with software giants, image © Alexander Sell

Subpage, Blog post, René Schumann in the FAZ, image © Alexander Sell

Subpage, blog post, The fierce price war in the meat business, image © Marie Smith

Subpage, blog post, Price negotiations of consulting services, image © Nick Wolff

Subpage, blog post, Next level negotiations – keeping a cool head through the crisis, image, Adobe Stock © mojo_cp

Subpage, blog post, Leveraging the full potential of negotiations with Data Science, image, Shutterstock @ giggsy25

Subpage, Blog post, Who is actually behind the Negotiation Advisory Group?, image © Alexander Sell

Subpage, blog post, Pharmaceutical industry could benefit from negotiation systems, image © Marie Smith

Subpage, blog post, Changes in the M&A market, image © Marie Smith

Subpage, blog post, Negotiating with food manufacturers, image © Marie Smith

Subpage, blog post, Negotiating the coal phase-out, image © Andreas Valentin

Subpage, blog post, Sustainable negotiation, image © Andreas Valentin

Subpage, blog post, Sustainable negotiation, image © Andreas Valentin

Subpage, blog post, Online at Procurement Summit: webinar on negotiation leadership of the future, image © NAG

Subpage, blog post, Skillful negotiation for investments – a guest post, image © Andreas Valentin

Subpage, blog post, Skillful negotiation using game theory – in CHEManager, image, Adobe Stock © Monkey Business

Subpage, blog post, Negotiating with system, image ©; Springer Verlag; NAG

Subpage, Academy, Banner 1, Welcome, Adobe Stock © kasto

Subpage, Academy, Banner 2: Workshops for businesses, Shutterstock © vs148

Subpage, Academy, Banner 3: Workshops individuals, Shutterstock © your

Subpage, Workshops, Negotiation Fundamentals, image, Adobe Stock © fizkes

Subpage, Workshops, Strategic Negotiations, image, Adobe Stock © Studio Romantic

Subpage, Workshops, Strategic Negotiations, image, © Mara Troeger Photography

Subpage, Workshops, Successfully Negotiating Complex Transactions, image, Adobe Stock © Rido

Subpage, Workshops, Negotiating with powerful suppliers, image, Adobe Stock © Africa Studio

Subpage, Workshops, Conducting challenging annual meetings, image, Adobe Stock © Blue Planet Studio

Subpage, Workshops, Difficult negotiations with unions and powerful works councils, Image, Adobe Stock © fizkes

Subpage, workshops, online workshop “virtual negotiation”, image, Adobe Stock © Alex from the Rock

Subpage, advisory board, image © Dr. Alexander Rasch

Subpage, Whitepaper, Sales management in turbulent times, Image, Adobe Stock ©

Subpage, Whitepaper, Negotiating with Tech Giants, image © NAG

Subpage, customers, reference, image © Juliane Finkenberger

Subpage, customers, reference, image © Sascha Zagorac, visteon Corporation

Subpage, Career, Contact, Image © Jochen Rolfes

Subpage, Our Team, Weber, image © Alexander Vejnovic

Subpage, Our Team, Schumann, picture © Alexander Vejnovic

Subpage, Our Team, Burghardt, image © Alexander Vejnovic

Subpage, Our Team, Oswald, picture © Alexander Vejnovic

Subpage, Our Team, Vorfeld, image © Jochen Rolfes

Subpage, Our Team, Schneider, image © Alexander Vejnovic

Subpage, Our Team, Sadrinna, image © FOTOGRAF-MANNHEIM360.DE

Subpage, Our Team, Dr. Heimes, Image © Alexander Vejnovic

Subpage, Our Team, Sönnecken , Image © Alexander Vejnovic

Subpage, Our Team, Luckenbach, image © Alexander Vejnovic

Subpage, Fairs & Dates, Image © Sales Summit

Subpage, Exhibitions & Dates, Image © Procurement Summit

Subpage, Contact, Image, Adobe Stock © Manuel Schönfeld

Subpage, Locations, Mannheim, Image, Adobe Stock © Christina Aurora

Subpage, Locations, Düsseldorf, Image, Adobe Stock © rudi1976

Subpage, Locations, Berlin, image, Adobe Stock © JFL Photography

Subpage, Locations, Frankfurt, Image, Adobe Stock © Manuel Schönfeld

Homepage, Header, Image @ mojo cp