Need for action in the
current market environment

Current price increases in energy, logistics and raw materials make additional price demands on customers unavoidable. Customers are more willing than ever to pay higher prices. Negotiation expertise and a structured negotiation process are becoming immanently important and critical to success for salespeople, alongside sales and relationship management.

This is the only way to maintain the necessary margins in the current market environment. There is a need for action both in existing business and in new contracts.

Information on procurement and other special topics are just a click away. You can also find more exciting topics in the blog or in our book “System of Negotiations.

Our expertise

Direct optimisations

Existing customers are currently willing to pay higher prices. In joint projects, we make the most of this market situation by understanding the goals and incentives of the other side, strengthening lock-in effects,creating additional communication and information channels.

Professional procurement organisations use awarding that increase competition and lower prices. However, if the process is known, sales can take countermeasures. We analyse the competitive environment and likely competitor bids, plan the optimal strategic behaviour for the awarding and ensure through strategic stakeholder management that own USPs are properly positioned in the awarding.

Organisational development

In our transformation projects, we make sales fit for the present and the future. The starting point is a maturity analysis, on the basis of which we assess the effectiveness of the sales team and negotiation management. We then sit down with your team to develop the optimal organisational structure for sales and negotiation management of the future.

The Centre of Competence for Sales and Negotiation Management is the anchor for your organisation. We build a permanent team of experts, establish it in the organisation and provide the necessary tools and methods to embed sales and negotiation excellence in your company.

In order to conduct a successful negotiation, the initiative must not only be short-term or focused on individual areas. Consistent, comprehensive improvement through proactive knowledge management, the right negotiation mindset and professional negotiation coaching are essential to achieve sustainable success in sales negotiations.

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